
The things in life i'm afraid of...

1. lice... what are those bugs for anyway?? Ugly little beasts....

2. spiders....huge spiders freak me and tay out!! Their crawly little legs..ohh..

3. drowning.. I never want to die a slow death...especially drowning!

Those are my top 3 so comment on the things you are afraid of. Whoever lists the most things is the winner!!


melis said...

Lice are disgusting. I am always scared that i wil find them in someones hair! Ummmmmmmm... well because I am the BIGGEST worry wart in the universe I think you can bet I am scared of pretty much everything! Just for fun here are a few;

1- natural disaster
2- a sick child
3- not going to hawaii with the aplanalp family ;)

Shannon said...

Curse you I've spent all night on your blog. You've written so much I can't catch up! Ok, things I'm afraid of (lice and spiders are a given)
1. Big trucks next to me on the freeway
2. Airplanes, being on one or seeing them in the sky, makes no difference
3. Getting a fungal infection from a pedicure
4. The ocean... sharks, squids, unknown depths.. pretty to look at, no good to be in
5. Falling limbs at Big Sur
6. My husband's driving
7. Rattlesnakes (was almost bit by one)
8. uptight people
9. getting fat (again)
10. drunk drivers

I could go on and on, but I might seem too much like Mr.Monk so I'll stop there!

I might have to steal this post... it is an interesting thing to think about!